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Football player receives plea deal

On Behalf of | Aug 9, 2018 | Dui/dwai |

Colorado residents may have heard about the guilty plea entered by Oakland Raiders cornerback Daryl Worley. He pleaded guilty on June 18 to three charges including driving while under the influence of alcohol and having firearms in his vehicle. The DUI conviction led to a 72-hour jail sentence while the other charges resulted in two years of probation. However, the defensive back was credited with time served as it related to his jail sentence.

The charges stem from an incident on April 15 when the player was found unresponsive in a vehicle that was blocking traffic near the Philadelphia Eagles practice facility. Worley was a member of the team at the time, but was let go by the team after the incident. He may face further discipline from the NFL under its personal conduct policy. He told reporters that he was grateful for the opportunity to play for Oakland.

If an individual is charged with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, he or she could lose his or her driving privileges. It may also be necessary to use an ignition interlock device on a temporary or permanent basis. In the event that a person hurts or kills another person while driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, a driver may face enhanced charges.

These charges may carry penalties such as jail time or probation. The same may be true if an individual had a significant blood alcohol level when contacted by police. An attorney may be able to help a person avoid some or all penalties in a drunk driving case. Legal counsel may try to challenge the results of a Breathalyzer test or the way that it was conducted. If successful, a driver may be acquitted or have the charges dropped entirely.

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