A Domestic Violence Conviction Will Change Your Life
We Build Strong Defense Arguments That Minimize The Impact Of Charges
An accusation of domestic violence is taken seriously by the police and by the court system. Anytime there is a domestic violence call, the police are required to make an arrest. Because the district attorney presses charges, the accuser is not allowed to reconsider and drop the charges.
In Colorado, domestic violence cases are “victims’ rights” cases, meaning the victim must be notified of the hearing and given a chance to consult with the district attorney before an offer is made to the accused. An alleged victim has a right to speak at sentencing, and he or she must be notified when the accused is released.
Colorado laws are tough on perpetrators of domestic violence. Penalties include:
- Loss of your right to possess or own a firearm
- Completion of 36 hours of counseling and passing a required evaluation
If you have three or more previous convictions of domestic violence, your charge may become a Class 5 felony. The severity of domestic violence charges is such that you want an experienced trial lawyer who has compassion and understanding of your side of the story to represent you.
If you are facing a domestic violence charge or a protective order, you need to get in front of the issue right away. Message us now.
Boulder County Harassment Defense Lawyer
Domestic violence encompasses more than just striking a person you are intimately involved with. It may include:
- Criminal harassment
- False imprisonment
- Criminal mischief
If you are arrested for domestic violence, Colorado law stipulates that a mandatory restraining order be issued against you, even if the protected party does not request the order. These are also referred to as protection orders or no-contact orders. In Colorado, there are domestic violence protection orders and protection orders for stalking, sexual assault, physical harm/threats and abuse of elderly/at-risk adults.
Restraining orders can keep you from spending time with your children and prevent you from living in your home. They can be financially devastating and have long-term consequences regarding child custody and other family law issues. Attorney Care Enichen can help you address domestic violence restraining orders and minimize the impact they have on your life.
Effective Defense Starts With A Phone Call
At The Law Office of Care Enichen, LLC, we recognize when circumstances have been exaggerated or when a victim may be using the law in an attempt to get revenge or gain the upper hand in a dispute. Care spent seven years as a Boulder County district attorney and another 16 years as a judge. She has seen it all in her years on both sides of the bench, and she knows that most people have just gotten themselves into a bad situation and need help getting out.
Call Care Enichen at 720-443-4166 or use our online contact form to schedule an initial consultation.