The criminal justice system in the United States is a system of punishment. If you break a law, a court punishes you for it through fines or time in jail or prison. However, such a system is not always the right thing. Many states now have drug courts, for example,...
Year: 2019
What leads to white collar crimes?
Out of all the crimes in the criminal justice system, white collar crimes are probably the most misunderstood. While they do not involve violence or physical harm to others, they can be devastating in the financial sense. When someone commits this type of crime, it...
Stalking: What is it and what are the consequences?
Colorado, like all other 49 states and the District of Columbia, recognizes that stalking is a serious issue. To prevent stalking behavior from escalating into behavior that results in dire physical consequences, the state has adopted several provisions that encourage...
Have you committed accidental credit card fraud?
You may consider yourself to be someone who would never commit any type of crime, white-collar or otherwise. That said, you may have already committed credit card fraud while enjoying your life in Colorado. With help from HuffPost, you have a better understanding of...
DUI charges in the early morning hours
There are various reasons why people find themselves pulled over for suspected drunk driving, whether they got behind the wheel while drinking at a party (even though this behavior is atypical for them) or they struggle with an addiction to alcohol and are frequently...
Man charged with property crimes after comic book theft
When people in Boulder and throughout Colorado are arrested for crimes related to theft, there are certain items that are commonly taken. That can include automobiles, jewelry and money. Items that have both nostalgic and financial value are also a frequent target to...
DUI arrest rates are high on summer holidays
Summer can be a bittersweet season for many college students in more ways than one. For some, it may be some of their last months off before they get back to studying and eventually adulthood. For those who have summer jobs and internships, they are getting a taste of...
Memorial Day DUI/DWAI arrests in Colorado surpass 300
On holidays in Colorado and across the U.S., law enforcement steps up its efforts to catch drivers who might be under the influence. That endeavor includes an increased law enforcement presence on the roads, checkpoints and other strategies designed specifically to...
Separation agreements in Colorado
When a couple in Colorado is experiencing marital difficulties, they might not be sure they want to divorce immediately; they might prefer to negotiate a separation rather than have the case decided by a court. In many cases, the couple can benefit from spending some...
Report: Theft in Colorado has risen since 2014
There are few things that make you feel more insecure in this world than someone stealing property from you. You work hard for the right to own your personal property and do your best to safeguard it from thieves. While some property is replaceable, sentimental items...