No one in Colorado expects to be stopped by police and arrested for driving under the influence. However, if you have consumed alcohol or drugs and then got behind the wheel, it could happen. This is what to expect at the police station after you are taken into...
What are the statistics and trends for DUI in 2022?
Car accidents stemming from driving under the influence seriously impact residents of Colorado and elsewhere. This year alone, there have been many arrests, injuries and deaths from DUI-related crashes. This is a rundown of the statistics and trends for DUI in 2022....
Staying calm when stopped for a DUI
In the event that you're stopped by a police officer in Colorado for the suspicion of driving under the influence, it's important to try to stay calm without exhibiting behaviors that could result in more charges. Here are a few tips to keep in mind that can sometimes...
Alcohol and Drug-Related Crimes: The statistics
It may not be easy to determine the role of drugs and alcohol in the committing of crimes. It also may be that the person committing the crime is not under the influence at the time of the crime; they may be stealing money or goods to support their habit. States...
How much does insurance increase after a Colorado DUI?
A Colorado drunk driving conviction has the potential to cost you a large amount of money once you factor in all related expenses, and some off those expenses may stay with you for years. In addition to having to pay fines and other expenditures related to the...
Does Colorado have an ignition interlock law?
Drunk driving is a serious crime across the United States. However, each state has slightly different drunk driving laws. If you are being accused or convicted of drunk driving in the state of Colorado, it is important to understand how these laws apply to...
Football player receives plea deal
Colorado residents may have heard about the guilty plea entered by Oakland Raiders cornerback Daryl Worley. He pleaded guilty on June 18 to three charges including driving while under the influence of alcohol and having firearms in his vehicle. The DUI conviction led...
Man accused of drunk driving after crash on Black Bear Pass
On July 22, a Colorado man was cited for drunk driving after he allegedly caused a car accident on Black Bear Pass, a mountain road that connects Silverton and Telluride. The road is narrow with steep drop-offs, making accidents extremely dangerous. The 28-year-old...
What to do when suspected of driving under the influence (DUI)
Prohibition ended in 1933, but alcohol continues to be the reason many face legal trouble today. This happens when alcohol is misused or crosses the boundary of Colorado alcohol laws. One way this may occur is when a law enforcement agent suspects someone of driving...